Aha Moments~
Some wisdom/truth/enlightenment and other assorted things to ponder that I brought home from my week at Acts 29 Boot Camp:
- The more influenence you want, the less freedom you have (the loss of Christian liberties) ~Ed Stetzer
- Yes, I am called to come alongside a church planter!!
- Yes! I am deeply burdened by nominal Christianity, (says this recovering nominal Christian)
- I want to develop my life so that I can integrate my work, and faith without compartmentalizing either.
- I am willing and desiring to make deep sacrifices for the sake of the Gospel.
- I strive to be holy and blameless because I am created in the image of God. (Gen 1:27)
- All of God's promises are YES!, in Christ Jesus ~ Daniel Montgomery
- Let's not forget the unity that is ours in Him ~ Daniel Montgomery
- I must preach the gospel to myself.
- Time. Talent, Treasure.. give all with generosity and enthusiasm as a core member in a church plant team.
- Support and uphold my Elders and their wives and childen in prayer and fasting as they uphold the Kingdom of God, and oppose the gates of hell.
- Love, exhort, grow, forgive, share, develop pray, and give with the soft heart that God has so graciously given to me.
This is one of the most exciting times of my life. Praise, and thanks to my love and my Lord Jesus Christ.
At 3:15 PM, Mike Edwards said…
man..you sound like the kind of person a planting pastor would want around.
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