Picture this:

Thursday, August 10, 2006


We have a joke throughout our friend group:

"Excuse me...Uncomfortable..."

(You have to imagine it in Joyce's sweet sing-song voice.)

Darryl and I were squabbling one day on our couch while Joyce was visiting.
Until Joyce broke in with her objection, we had'nt realized anything might appear abnormal.
(We're comfortable with a little bit of fussing whether in front of people or not.)

In the last few months, we've been full of prayer and excitement about working on a church plant team. We just had our first week of core team meetings, vision casting, prayer, team building, etc. After all the build up and excitement, I've been surprised to find myself...uncomfortable.

Not in a sense that I don't feel comfortable with all the people God has brought to the team.
Nor in any way with the format or leadership. The best way I can describe this discomfort is by comparing it to a mission trip. I have no idea what to expect, because I have not been here before. On a mission trip, I would pack and then read a little, and then head off to.... well, whatever God has for me there. Maybe a construction project- building a school or a women's shelter, or on a disaster relief team. I would have little expectations, except that, God will show me what to do and speak to me whenI get there. I see this journey the same way..except in my own town. Before I leave on a mission trip, I am prayed up and prepared to serve my guts out.
I am out of my "comfort zone" so to speak... with new people and experiences.

That's what I hear God telling me right now. Pray up and prepare to serve your guts out. Get out of your comfort zone, be with new people and prepare for new experiences. Being uncomfortable is good-- because it reminds me that I am always completely dependent on Christ anyway.


  • At 12:38 AM, Blogger JT said…

    Oh my gosh! You said it just right. In making our decision to join the journey... we said that how scary this is that we have no idea whats in front of us! Jump in with both feet and get uncomfortabe.... being too comfortable can become too complacent. so proud to be serving with you vicki sue. lets go serve our guts out!


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